The Greater Westmead Association

Creating a Secure, Transformed and Economically Sustainable Precinct starts here!

Project Launched!

Become a Member

It is clear that change is needed. Greater Westmead was born out of necessity and now needs to become a sustainable reality. Join the conversation and be a part of the future of the new South African business estate model.

Request a Personal Presentation

Missed the formal presentation? Get a personal presentation for you and at least 5 other business/property owners from the Greater Westmead Precinct.


Register your interest

If you are already convinced that a unified business community approach is the way forward, select the link below and full out the form to get updates as we proceed.

Our Formalised Community Will Have:

• A Central Precinct Office and Control Room  

• Dedicated Tactical teams

• Dedicated Armed Response Vehicles 

• Dedicated Emergency Response & Special Operations

• A Dedicated Drone Department

• Dedicated Cleaning & Greening Team

Keeping Our Members

Informed, Protected, Prepared.

Not from the Greater Westmead precinct

but want this for your community?